Wednesday, August 31, 2005

A Hat Trick

A trifecta
A crowd
I don't think I had a day where I put three in there.
Is this truly random?
Are these truly my thoughts?
Dr. Curry thinks its all objective.
Well then what isn't?
What am I allowed to think of outside of the constraints of objectivity? It seems like I am allowed to think 2+2=5 and sunsets are ugly. Who's gonna stop me? What if I get the entire world to agree with me? What If I decide 2+2=Sunset.
Is anyone objectively evil. Why of course. Can I say I'm both a writer and not a writer.
There are times when I don't right aren't there?
I'm a thinker, a biologist, a human, a musician, a singer(I never said I was talented) Apparently I'm a person who hits back space. I must have hit it 8 times in this last two sentences. And then my next one is perfect. But I slow down and a teacher tells me and shouldn't begin the sentence. I just say
AND WHAT? A response so clever, so witty, so egotistical. I am beautiful though aren't I?
There is nothing you can do about it. I am an unstoppable force. I flow like the waters of the Nile. Have I been here since the beginning of time? Hell ya, the world was created 3,000 years ago.
Yet I live in a paradoxical world where I'm 4 billion, 10 billion 15 billion...I've lived forever.
Point at one part of me that hasn't existed throughout time. I am everflowing, I am give and take, and I will live forever. There is nothing you can do about it. Tear me down to my most basic parts if you can.
Cause you can't. I can objectively say so. There's a universe inside of me. Haven't you seen MIB? Once mustard seed of faith I be. I am good just too good.
A click of the tongue and then I'm done.
Ding dong ding dong
Ding dong ding Dong
Ding Dong Ding dong
Ding Dong Ding Dong
Well what do you know. It wasn't one after all. But I think I got the right number anyway.

Four Chime

I only heard four chimes three times.
Or does that make twelve
15 till the clock warns
But I know it's a liar.
It takes a full minute for it quit with its
ding dong ding dong....
It would only hurt my fingers and your eyes to repeat it.
Still we head its warning.
And then it sings at 12 like a Jay-Bird
Today we had a flood
Yesterday we had two towers
Today we've lost another city.
God Bless America
ding dong ding dong...
that infernal clock dings with a dong of a current event
What's the latest news clock
and then what?
And I didn't realize until it was almost one
That all the clock was saying was
ding dong ding dong...

An Attempt To Not Think

Blankness in a haze is truly opened when responding to a word you must type.

Tuesday, August 23, 2005

We apologize for the lack of chaos in recent posts

We at Random Thoughts apologize for the lack of randomness. In a sign of complete and utter irony, or is it hypocrisy, or is it a third word that I can't quite muster, we have decided to add "aspiring" to the beginning of the title creating greater order among our sister blogs.

To counter this order we will add the word "push" (a diverging word) as the title of the Haiku thereby creating entropy which I guess leads to more order. So we have to do something further here. I have no idea what that is.

"Ok then down here at the bottom, these are user specific so if you log in as you these are how many are oepn for you. These are what I have open. " - A technician.

I think that will do

Welcome To The Internet Helpdesk - Studio Version:

Just Like It Sounds

Happy Birthday to Me!