Tuesday, May 30, 2006

What a Strange Dream

I had a dream that I was in K Mart? and I was with my Mom and Dad and there was this light skinned black girl moving through the women's clothing isle. My dad did his usual nudge in that direction and I did my usual fluster. But this time I wandered back and forth in those isles until I found a green top that looked like hers (mostly in color and not in style) and some other top cover that looked like it but not in color. She was just walking with or away from a store clerk when I said something like "if you're looking for something these look like something you might want". It had already begun, you know, that little tension that happens when two people meet. I asked her for her name and she said it. (Can't remember what it was) She said she had been through some things at prom and didn't need any one coming after her (not exact words) I tried to say I was just a nice guy. The J L H C then I said hold on let me stop.

I walked away trailing behind my family. I was in an isle with mirrors and was doing a little bit of pop locking in front of them and saw the girl’s reflection. I sheepishly slowed down to a stop and then she said "Hey Migel, look it's Jarrett". I guess she had a sudden change of heart now that she saw me acting silly. Migel was her little sister (I would later find out) who was about 3 years old and was pretty ambiguous looking.

I remember asking what her name was.

"Miguel" she said

"Meeguel?" I responded


"Oh Myguel"

I don't remember talking to her for a time after that.

Suddenly, I was looking at some purple translucent shirt.

Dad pinched the middle of his shirt up a tiny bit and the bottom of it was translucent tie-dye and he said "No, that looks like those Chinese ones"

I remember being back in the clothing isle while she was pushing Migel in the basket.

She was pushing Migel through the clothing isle and I was looking at that purple tie-dye translucent shirt.

I did something that made her break out laughing (I think I tripped) so I went back over to her. I realized at this point that I forgot her name was and I didn't want to ask for it again.

I was walking with her and found she lived in some city that was apparently in the west.

She said I guess you wouldn't be around in that city (I was under the impression that she was trying to find where I was from and assumed I lived nearby the store when she lived far away) since you live back east in (Insert some Russian spin-off country here)

"I said, what are you talking about?! I live in Lakewood" as I started catching on. I said, (and this may be getting out of order) "I live in Chicago,.."

"Oh that's good"

It went back and forth a couple times with us labeling the other as from some other strange place.

Suddenly I don't remember Migel being around.

We walked into the middle of a bunch of quiet people where a couple of older white males were standing around.

We sat on some brick step.

She asked if I knew many people around here. I said I know people back toward UCLA (a reference to Westwood?)

She said "oh that's cool"


I think we were outside on the grass at this point.

"I lost my hat!" She had a pink beanie with her and some other things that I can't remember what they were. We ran back inside and saw the items lying where we were sitting. As we walked over to them I saw who I thought was John from LMU (John, "So do you enjoy being black?", John it was a chess reference) As I said hey what's up he turned and was/turned into (Mike? not mike, the other one) He said man I've been taken this MCAT, I s*** in my pants. He was sit/lying next to the step. I realized there were a lot of people sitting around working on a test. "I can't go to the bathroom." (Something to that effect) "I'm just going to have to retake it." I wanted to say sorry but couldn't think of why that would be proper.

One of the older white males suddenly came up and said no more talking or you're failed. I stepped away from Nate and a second male came to me

"You're going to have to go they're taking a test"

"We just came to get her hat"

So me and the girl walked out and were sitting on the grass again.

"I asked "How long will it be till you're picked up"

"10-15 minutes. I can call them and they'll come earlier". Frankly I didn't care if it would have taken an eternity...but I needed to call my dad to tell him that. I asked if she might call my dad so I could tell him what was going on. (I could only get so much leeway)

As if she could read my mind she suddenly said, "No that's ok, I'll call them." She said something to the effect of she needed to head out anyway.

There was talking and then a car/SUV? Pulled up and her mother and father got out.

"Who is this?" her mother asked.

"Jarrett", she replied.

"If not for the fact that...I'd knock you through the wall right now", her father said almost out of no where. He looked like...my uncle?, or a mix of the Family Matters dad and some smaller dad.

"When did you meet?" her mom said in that Claire Huxtable way

The one I just met pointed at my shirt which said May 10, 2008 and said "Today"

(All of a sudden I'm remembering standing near some type of building possibly with "mi hermano". The place is small sort of like one of those bathrooms at regional but there are lines made by gates similar to those at Knott's when you have to wait for the swing rides. But this was earlier...)

"What's that date for?" the dad asked. Suddenly we were referring to a date in August even though I had been wearing one of the graduation shirts. "Is that when school starts?" He was unfamiliar with the early start times of the school...really unfamiliar.

"Actually that's when we have midterms"

"Midterms!" he exclaimed in total surprise.

A couple other things were said by him and the mother and it came back to his daughter.

"Son, you don't walk around to complete strangers and say hi? What made you talk to my daughter?"

"Well she's obviously beautiful and I could tell she's a smart person" I held back thinking he was going to be offended by me calling his daughter beautiful. (Weird way to get offended)

"Yeah but if you're on an MTA do you just talk to anybody?"

I told him that it's possible to tell who's a good person and besides my brother talks to bums all the time.

He replies something about 'well yeah that's bums' or something ridiculous.

Then he starts talking about soldiers with their legs blown off and asks what I've done for them.

(In the real world I would have thought he was mad but I let him keep talking here)

I stretched the truth and said I've written dozens of boxes of letters to Barbara Boxer and Dianne Feinstein.

"But what have you done"

(There was more but I can't remember exactly how it went)

"What have you done?" I asked "Were you over there fighting" He perked up and I realized he must have done something great. I was about to get trounced.

"I was" all I remember is him going off on some game. Talking about playing some unrelated game. It was completely insane.

My brother came to my rescue. I don't remember him saying anything but it was obviously time to go. I shook the madman's hand, did the dainty hold for the girl then grabbed Migel's hand awkwardly (we were suddenly in a house setting and all three of them were on a couch).

"She's a girl" the older one said as if reading my mind again.

"Oh, I switched to the dainty hold and said "bye, Migel!" in that stupid baby voice. The mom looked like, how does that man know my daughter's name?

I went into the kitchen (the home strangely reflected my own) and said bye to the mom and then started looking for a piece of paper to write my number on. I could see Patrick standing in the living room so I knew time was running short.

I grabbed a piece of paper from somewhere in the kitchen and began writing my cell number. But it came out as some random number.

I tried writing mine again slowly and my handwriting was beyond belief.

Then I woke up realizing everything I went through was a dream.

Thursday, May 18, 2006

Yeah that's right....I started google bombing

All I know is this is the Number One